The remote work scene is growing every day, and it's never been easier to find a job that fits your skills and lifestyle. But if you're new to the world of telecommuting, it can be tough to know where to start. We hear from so many people who are looking for their first remote job or thinking about making the switch from an office gig back home—and we want to help! So today we're going to share some tips on how you can use your talent and passion (and maybe even some extra patience) as leverage in finding your next great full- or part-time remote gig.

Take a look at these top tips for finding an entry level remote job with little to no experience:
Get specific about what you want
In order to find the perfect remote job for you, you need to be able to answer more questions than just "what kind of work do I want?"
What industry do I want to work in?
How many hours a week am I comfortable working?
Do I have any specific skills or certifications that would be beneficial?
Being specific about what type of job you're looking for will help narrow down your search. You may begin with broad terms like "marketing," but if you can narrow it down even further and say something like, "I’m looking for an entry level social media marketing position with at least three years experience where I can manage my own workload," then employers will be more likely to respond.
Broaden your search
If you’re struggling to find an entry-level remote job, first consider your search parameters. Searching for a full-time software engineer position with two years of experience—and not much else—is likely to be fruitless. Instead, broaden your search by looking at jobs in different industries and locations.
You should also focus on companies that don’t require extensive experience or a degree from a top tier university. It’s likely you won’t get hired as an entry level software developer if you don’t have any formal computer science training yet (or even if you do). But there are many other opportunities that might suit your skill set just fine. Try searching for roles like “assistant content writer,” “digital marketing intern,” or “social media manager."
Talk to people who have the job you want
The best way to find out about a job opening is to talk to someone who has the job. It's also the easiest way because you don't have to go through an application process or wait for an email response. Another great thing about talking with someone who is currently working in your field is that they'll be able to give you real-life insight on what it's like being a remote worker and how they got there.
Be realistic about what you can offer
One of the most important things to remember when applying for a remote job is that the hiring manager will be looking at how closely you align with their needs. As such, it is important to be realistic about what you can offer. You may have a skill or experience that sounds like it would fit well with the role, but if it’s not actually required for success in that role then it won’t matter.
Apply anyway
While getting a remote job with little to no experience is possible, it definitely takes time. It's important not to give up and keep trying. Apply for as many positions as you can and don't be afraid of applying for positions that are out of your league. After all, the worst thing that can happen is the employer will say "no." If this happens, move on to the next position!
If you wait for the perfect job opportunity to come along before applying for any position remotely related (even if it's not exactly what you want), then chances are good that it never will happen. You'll just continue waiting around until that position becomes available or something better comes along instead of actually applying and putting yourself out there in order to get your foot in the door at least once.
You can find the right job for you even if you don't have a ton of experience. If your goal is to work remotely, there are plenty of ways to gather the experience needed to land a remote job.
You can learn on the job by finding an entry-level position in an industry related to your interests and then working hard at it. For example, if you're interested in writing but would prefer not to be tied down by office hours, consider finding entry-level jobs like freelancing or working as an assistant editor before trying out more advanced positions such as copywriter or editor.
We hope these tips will help you find your first remote job. Remember that even if you don’t have a ton of experience, there are many ways to get started in this field—and the more specific you can be about what you want (and why), the better! Don’t forget to talk with people who have the job that sounds right for your career goals, and apply anyway! You never know what might happen when someone sees something special in you.
If you're looking for a legit work from home job, check out the latest remotes jobs from Legit Mom Jobs here.