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How to Go From Stay at Home Mom to Working Mom

Going from a stay at home mom to a working mom can be difficult. Once you become a parent, so many things abruptly change in your world it can be hard to fathom returning to the workplace after such an extended and family focused hiatus.

Take a look at these helpful tips for transitioning back into the workforce after being a stay at home parent:

Identify the concerns you have about getting back to work

If you’re feeling at all like your confidence is wavering, it’s important to identify the concerns you have about getting back to work. What are your fears? How will you handle them? What are your goals? And how will you achieve them?

If the idea of leaving your kids behind after a long time as stay-at-home mom makes you anxious, recognize that it’s only natural for this to be an adjustment for both of you. It might help to talk about these feelings with other parents who have gone through similar transitions or reached out to support groups online. You may also want to talk with other moms who hold jobs outside of their homes and ask them what their experience has been like.

Make the transition gradual if possible

If you need to go back to work, begin the transition with a part time job. If you have more than one child, try to find a position close to home that allows you to leave at a reasonable hour. This will allow your partner or other caregiver plenty of time with the kids before bedtime and give them an opportunity to bond during their morning routine as well. You'll also want some extra time off between jobs in order for everyone involved in this transition (including yourself) to get used to working again after being away from it for so long.

Talk about your career goals with people who already have children and see what they suggest as far as taking regular breaks or switching careers altogether if that's what works best for them!

Create a schedule and stick to it

Here's the thing about schedules: they're not just a set of rules to follow. Sure, if you have a job and are working a traditional schedule (9-5), then you need to be on time, prepared and ready to go. But when it comes to your personal life — especially after becoming a parent — having a schedule is less about fitting into someone else's mold and more about making yourself happy. You know what works best for you; now all that's left is figuring out how long each task takes so that everything gets done in its allotted amount of time. This way nothing feels rushed or neglected because there was never enough time in the day for it anyway!

Set up a dedicated space for working from home

You may be thinking, "I don't need an office—I'll just work from my kitchen table." But if you've ever tried to do something productive in a space where there are baby bottles and toys scattered about, you know how much of a distraction that can be. Plus, having an office gives you the opportunity to create a space that feels like it belongs solely to you (and not your kids).

This doesn't have to mean buying expensive furniture or building an entire home office from scratch. Even if all you have is one corner of the dining room that doesn't get too much traffic and has four walls surrounding it, this can work as long as there's enough room for either yourself or another family member who will also be working there (if anyone else will be using this space). Just make sure the door shuts completely so no one walks in unannounced while they're napping! Also remember: while having some toys around might help keep them entertained while they're awake, it's best not to let them distract from whatever task at hand might require complete silence!

Build a network of stay at home parents in the same situation as you are

It's important to find people who can relate to your situation and provide advice along the way. You might want to start by finding a support group, or look for mentors or friends and family members who have been through the same experience. You can also seek out online support groups and networks like Stay At Home Moms International (SAHM), which offers tips on everything from saving money for baby supplies to setting up an at-home daycare center! If you have access to resources like these from work, use them—your company may even offer free daycare services for working parents!

Accept that there will be problems at first, but they will get better

It's normal for parents to feel stressed when their children are back in daycare or school, but you should know that everything will get better. You need to take it one step at a time and not try to do everything at once. For example, don't make the mistake of thinking that you can balance being both mommy and working mommy!

Also, don't expect perfection right away. You may feel like your child is going through some sort of trauma because he or she has been separated from you while they were at home with their parents all day long. This could lead them into acting out more often than usual (e.g., having tantrums in public). Be patient with your child as they adjust themselves back into becoming used to being around people other than just yourself again!

Going back to work is not easy, but it can be done. As with any transition, the key is to make sure you have a plan and are ready for what will come your way. If you can make the transition gradual and make sure that you have a good plan in place, it will be much easier on everyone involved. And remember: no one else is in this situation! You are not alone.\

If you're searching for a legit work from home job that is flexible to parents, check out the latest job postings from Legit Mom Jobs here.


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