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Writer's pictureAshley

My Favorite Morning Routine as a Work From Home Parent

If you work from home, your morning routine can really impact how well your day goes. If the morning is going well, chances are that the rest of the day will go well too!

Here is my favorite morning routine as a work from home mom:

Wake up with the alarm clock

  • Set your alarm clock for the same time every day. If you're like me, waking up at 6am with a baby and toddler is difficult enough without having to think about how much earlier in the morning than usual I need to be awake. So stick with your routine and set an alarm that will give you enough time to get ready and have breakfast before heading out the door.

  • Get adequate sleep! This can be tricky when working from home because there are so many distractions around us at night (phones, TV shows) but it's crucial if we want our brains functioning properly throughout our day(s). Try going to bed earlier than normal or making sure no one else in the house is awake after 9pm so that all distractions are gone by then!

Get up, go to the bathroom, get dressed and take the dog out before anyone else gets up

If you have a dog, this is one of the most important parts of your morning routine. It's also one of the easiest ways to set yourself up for success throughout the day. If you're anything like me and your dog is an early riser, then getting up before everyone else will help ensure that he gets his potty break before anyone else wakes up so he doesn't have to wait until later in my morning when things start getting crazy around here!

Take time to read some inspirational words or a motivational quote

Reading inspirational words and quotes is an excellent way to start your day. It can help you get in the right mindset for work, as well as give you something positive to think about throughout the day. If you're feeling stuck or unmotivated at work, reading something motivational can give your confidence a boost and remind yourself why it's important that you keep going!

Drink water right away and eat something that makes you feel good about yourself

You should drink water right away and eat something that makes you feel good about yourself. This can be anything from a piece of fruit, to a bowl of cereal, to a smoothie or juice. Eating something that makes you feel good about yourself will help set the tone for your day and keep you motivated.

Exercise for 15-30 minutes in the morning

Exercise is crucial for a healthy lifestyle, and it's even more important if you're working from home and have to take care of your kids too. The best time to exercise is when your body is fresh, so do it first thing in the morning or right after dinner (but not right before bed). It can be a great stress reliever and help you sleep better at night!

Get your kids ready for school/work from home daycare and make sure they have everything they need to be successful during the day (i.e., lunch boxes, homework)

  • Make sure your kids have everything they need for the day.

  • Pack their lunch and make sure they have homework.

  • Dress them appropriately for the weather. If it's cold, make sure they have a jacket or sweater and mittens; if it's hot, put sunscreen on them before sending them off with their friends or family member who will be driving them to school/daycare/work from home daycare center (depending on what time of year). Also check in with other parents to see if there are any special events going on at school that day that require special attire (such as Spirit Day).

  • Give them some money in case they want snacks while away from home during break times or between classes; this also teaches financial responsibility!

Work on one thing that will give you more time later in the day so it doesn't feel like you're wasting time. For example, if you need to call a client back but know it will take 30 minutes, schedule it for later in the afternoon when there are fewer distractions than first thing in the morning or right after breakfast when everyone else is awake as well

  • Schedule calls and other tasks for when you know you will be less distracted. For example, if you need to call a client back but know it will take 30 minutes, schedule it for later in the afternoon when there are fewer distractions than first thing in the morning or right after breakfast when everyone else is awake as well.

  • Schedule tasks that take longer than 30 minutes. If there are tasks that can't be done while your kids are awake (or asleep), then schedule them at times when they're not around so that you're not wasting time waiting on them or trying to multitask with them around. You may even want to consider hiring someone else who could help watch them while they're sleeping so that this doesn't become an issue at all! This applies especially well if your job requires more concentration than usual; perhaps one day per week would be good enough?

Prepare meals in advance

Make sure you have everything you need to prepare the meal. If you're preparing a dinner or lunch, make sure that all of your ingredients are on hand and ready to go (and not buried at the bottom of your pantry under some boxes). You don't want to be halfway through making dinner only to realize that there's no butter left! Also, make sure that any tools or equipment needed for cooking are readily available as well: knives should be sharpened; pots should be clean; measuring cups should be washed out from last time they were used (or maybe even better yet--just buy new ones).

Prepare enough meals for everyone who lives with you so there won't be any last minute panics about having nothing ready when everyone comes home hungry after work/school/daycare etc..

In the end, it's all about finding what works best for you and your family. Your morning routine doesn't have to be perfect in order for it to be successful. It can even change over time as things change in life (for example: moving into a new house or starting a new job).

The most important thing is that you keep working at it until something sticks!

If you're looking for a legit work from home job, check out the latest legit remote jobs from Legit Mom Jobs here.


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