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Nail Your Next Job Interview with These Top Tips

It's time to practice your interview skills. You've got a great resume, you're well-prepared for the questions, and you love your potential new boss. Now it's just a matter of showing that off in an actual interview. Here are some tips to help nail that next job interview:

Work on your body language and plan what you're going to wear

You’re probably aware that body language plays a big role in job interviews, but many people don’t realize just how important it is. The way you sit, stand and move tells the interviewer more than you might think.

  • Practice good body language: If you want to improve your chances of nailing the interview, practice good posture by standing tall with your shoulders back and your chin up. Make eye contact without staring or being too intense; instead use a steady gaze when listening to questions or reflecting on answers.

  • What to wear: You should dress appropriately for the type of interview you're attending—in other words, if it's a formal business setting then go all out in business attire (definitely not jeans). Try not to overdress either though—you don't want to be underdressed so much as slightly over-dressed since this can make an employer feel uncomfortable in return (and no one wants that). Ask someone familiar with these things if they can help decide what would be best for the situation at hand.

Plan out answers to common interview questions

When you know in advance what your interviewer wants to hear, you have a much better chance of answering the questions in a way that works for you.

Here are some common interview questions and how you might respond:

  • Tell me about yourself. This is the most common question asked during interviews, so it's important to have the right answer prepared in advance. Make sure that your answer highlights your skills and experience while also showing off who you are personally (so they don't feel like they're getting an empty resume). My industry has changed dramatically over the past few years; I've had to adapt my skill set as well as my personality and demeanor. This shows that not only can I adapt quickly but also demonstrates how passionate I am about this field of work.* What would your previous manager say about you? This question gives hiring managers insight into what makes someone tick and whether or not they’re likely to be successful working with them on a day-to-day basis.* Why do want this job? You don’t need any special reason beyond wanting a career change and wanting something more challenging than where else your expertise can take you.* How do others describe who they think they really are? Ask them two questions: 1) What is one thing people usually say about them when describing their personalities? 2) What do their friends compliment them most often on? You may discover something unexpected—and somewhat embarrassing—about yourself!

Research the company, industry and job thoroughly

Researching the company, industry and job thoroughly is a key step in helping you nail your next interview.

  • Understanding the company's mission, vision and values - what they stand for, what they want to achieve and how they plan to do it - will help you answer questions about why this role is important to them. Knowing how the role fits within their overall business strategy will also give you something interesting to say when asked why they should hire YOU rather than someone else.

  • Know what YOU bring to the table too! Your experience as well as any transferable skills such as communication and leadership need to be communicated clearly during an interview so employers know why they should choose YOU over other candidates who are equally qualified or even more highly qualified than yourself.* Current market conditions can play a big part in whether or not someone wants/needs someone like YOU right now so make sure you research this before approaching any potential new employer!

Plan what you're going to say about yourself, your skills, and why you are the best candidate for the job

Next, you'll need to prepare for questions about your skills and experience. Here are some tips on what you should be prepared to talk about:

  • Be prepared to answer questions about your skills and experience. This is one of the most common interview questions, so be ready with specific examples that show off your skills or knowledge in relation to the position.

  • Think about how you can contribute to the company and how they can benefit from having you on their team (or helping them out in general). For example, if they're looking for someone who knows a lot about social media ads, then explain how many different types of ads you've created using different platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Or if they're looking for someone who has a lot of experience working in retail environments, talk about where else you've worked as well as how many years each job lasted—and mention why it ended!

  • Finally, make sure that the company's needs align with what YOU want out of your role at this company: Is it part time? Full time? Are there any benefits offered? Do I have room for growth within this department? Can I work remotely so I can travel during free weekends/weeks/holidays? These factors will play heavily into whether or not we're willing enough satisfy both parties' needs—so don't forget them!

Write down a list of questions to ask the interviewer

  • Ask questions that show you have done your research. Interviewers want to see that you've looked at the company, the role and what it will entail. It's important to ask questions that show you are looking for more than just a paycheck or a reference. Try asking about:

  • What does it mean to be "an integral part of their team"? How will this position contribute directly with the company’s overall mission?

  • Can you describe your typical day in this job?

  • What are some examples of projects or initiatives completed by people who held this position before?

  • Are there any areas where I could help improve upon my skillset for this role/company/team?

Print out a copy of your resume and cover letter

Print out a copy of your resume and cover letter. It's always a good idea to have the most updated versions on hand, just in case you need to refer to them during the interview.

Create an elevator speech in case someone asks what you do or what you're looking for in a new position

You may be asked to describe yourself, and you should be ready to talk about who you are. You should also be prepared with a brief elevator speech that can easily explain what you do or what you're looking for in a new position.

For example: “My name is John Smith, and I'm an accountant with 10 years of experience in financial planning. I'm looking for another opportunity where I can put my skills to work and make a difference.” In this situation, it's helpful to have something ready so that if someone asks what you do or what your career goals are, at least part of the answer will already be on paper!

Making sure that you are on time for your interview is a major key to success. The last thing you want to do is show up late and have the hiring manager think that you don't value their time, because it's likely they get many applicants for each job posting.

Make sure that you know where to go when it comes time for the interview. Double check directions before hand and make sure that they are correct, not just once but twice! If possible, print out a map of the route so that if there is traffic or something goes wrong with GPS directions, then at least there will be an alternative way of getting there.

Be aware of any parking regulations or restrictions in place at this location too; some companies may insist that candidates use public transportation while others may offer valet service or even free parking on site (if applicable).

Your next job interview could be your last if you use these tips for success

Your next job interview could be your last if you use these tips for success.

  • Be prepared. One of the most important things to do is to research the company and its industry, so that you know what it does and how it fits into the overall business world. Also, look up any specific information about their products or services that might be helpful during the interview. If possible, make sure this information is on hand at all times during your interview—you don't want to get caught off guard by a question about something that's not part of your normal routine!

  • Practice makes perfect: Once you've done some research on what kind of role they're hiring for, practice answering questions they might ask in an interview before going into one yourself. This way when someone asks “Tell me about yourself” or “What are your strengths/weaknesses?” (both common ones), you'll have an answer ready without having had time beforehand - which would leave them thinking “Oh wait did we hire someone who didn't even know themselves?” Plus if they throw something unexpected at us it will seem less awkward since we already have practice saying something similar before this point...

If you're nervous about your next job interview, don't worry! We've got you covered with these six easy tips to nail the perfect one. By preparing ahead of time, you can make sure that you look great and feel confident in front of your potential employer. And when it comes down to it, show them why they should hire YOU!

Ready to put your job interview skills to the test? Check out the latest work from home jobs from Legit Mom Jobs here.


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