If you're reading this, you might be questioning if it's time to quit your job. You're not alone. Most of us have experienced a job that we think about quitting on a daily basis. Sometimes it's because the company has changed and no longer aligns with your career goals or values, while other times it's because you're stressed or overwhelmed. Whatever the reason may be, quitting your job is never an easy decision to make and takes careful consideration.
To help determine whether or not it's time for you to move on, consider the following seven signs that you should quit your job:
1. You're stressed or depressed
Stress is a normal part of life, and it's important to acknowledge that. However, stress can also be caused by your job. The most common reasons for workplace stress are low wages and benefits, high workloads, lack of control over work tasks and decisions, lack of support from colleagues/ superiors/subordinates, lack of opportunities for career development within the organization etc.
2. Your work and your personal life are suffering
If you find yourself struggling to make time for hobbies, friends and family because of your job, then it may be time to quit. When work takes over your life and impacts other areas of your life, it's important to evaluate whether this is truly where you want to spend the majority of your time. You needn't have a full-time job in order for this rule to apply—even if you're working part-time or freelance gigs on the side, they can still take over until they become more than just a hobby.
It's important that we take care of ourselves first so that we can be happy and healthy both mentally and physically. One way people often try to do this is through exercise programs such as yoga or meditation classes; others try going on self-care retreats where they can get away from all responsibilities (and even unplug from social media!) These are great ways for us not just physically but mentally as well!
3. You're not learning or growing in your role
If you're not learning new skills, or growing professionally, it's time to quit your job. Learning is one of the most important aspects of work—you may be in a position where you don't need to learn anything new right now, but if that's the case then why are you working there? The only way to improve yourself as a professional and make sure that your future career prospects are secure is by continuously learning.
If you have not been promoted in over a year (or even longer), then it might be time for you to move on. When promotions are slow-moving or nonexistent at all, it's an indication that either no one else in your organization has been promoted either; this could mean there isn't enough room at the top level for everyone who deserves it (in which case getting out may be best) or that there just aren't enough opportunities available within this particular workplace. If neither of these scenarios ring true for your situation though, consider looking at other jobs where promotion tracks are clearer and quicker!
If changing roles isn’t challenging enough for some reason (and taking on different responsibilities is something that makes life fun), consider moving onto another company with more interesting projects instead!
4. You've applied to other jobs and haven't heard anything back
If you've applied to at least one other job in the last month and haven't received any offers of interest, it's time to re-evaluate your skill set. If you're applying for jobs that are beneath your level of experience or education, then this is another sign that it might be time to move on.
5. You've been passed over for a promotion or raise
If you have been passed over for a promotion or raise, it might be time to start looking for another job. This can be a sign that the company is not interested in keeping you around.
Additionally, if you receive less money than other people in similar positions at your company but are doing similar work and producing similar results, keep an eye out for other opportunities. It may be a good idea to check out some local companies that are hiring and see what they offer as far as salary and benefits go.
6. Your job isn't in line with your career goals
If you're already in a job, it's time to start thinking about whether or not your job is in line with your career goals. It's important to know what your career goals are before you begin looking for a new position, as this will help guide your search and ensure that you don't get stuck in another dead end job. If you want to be an entrepreneur but are working at an office every day, then it's probably time to quit. Similarly, if there's no way that being promoted within the company would allow you to reach one of those career goals (for example, if there are no open positions above where you currently stand), then it might not be worthwhile continuing on under such circumstances.
If identifying where exactly this disconnect lies seems difficult right now—or if identifying any kind of disconnect is difficult right now—take some time to think about all aspects of work life: do I like my coworkers? Do I feel like I'm growing? What do I enjoy doing when I'm off duty? Which skills do I use most often here versus other jobs/situations? These questions can help surface some insights into why things aren't going well at work; once identified and analyzed, these insights can help lead toward solutions for making changes needed next time around!
7. You hate your job and dread going to work every day
You hate your job, and dread going to work every day. This is the most obvious sign that it’s time to take a look at what you're doing and make a change.
If you find yourself:
Dreading going into work every day
Not enjoying your job and performing below your potential
Not passionate about what you do or the company mission
Feeling trapped by circumstances beyond your control; or even worse, feeling like a prisoner in a cage of your own making
If you can identify with more than one of the signs, it might be time to start looking for another job.
The most important thing is to know yourself and your goals. If you find yourself in a toxic work environment where you're not learning or growing professionally, then quitting may be necessary. If your mental health is suffering because of stress and anxiety, then quitting might be necessary as well.
Everyone deserves to work in an environment that feels right for them -- so if it's time for you to move on from your current company or role, then go ahead and quit!
If you're looking for a legit remote job, check out the latest job opportunities here.