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Top Job Interview Tips for Stay at Home Moms

When you're interviewing for a job, it's easy to forget that the interviewer has been on the other side of the desk. As a parent, you know what it's like to be in an interview—the stress and nerves that come with meeting new people and trying to show them that you're capable of doing their job well. However, your experience as a stay-at-home parent gives you unique insight into how to handle yourself in interviews. Follow these tips when preparing for an interview so that your experience as a parent doesn't hinder your ability to land your dream job!

Prepare for questions about why you've been out of the workforce

It’s also important to be prepared for questions about why you've been out of the workforce. If you have young children, employers may be concerned that you won't be able to balance their needs with those of their company.

Your best defense against this type of criticism is to frame your reasons for taking time off as a positive thing—one that will make you better at your job by allowing you to focus on something that was previously more difficult: “I took time off from work because I wanted my family time. When I put my kids down for bed every night, I know they're going to sleep soundly because I'm there with them and not working late into the evening like most parents."

Research questions to ask your interviewer

  • Ask about the company’s culture. While you don’t want to come off as if you are desperate to get a job, it is important to know if the environment is right for your family.

  • Ask about opportunities for growth and advancement. There may be a chance that they will outsource some of your work, which means that you won't be able to grow in your position or move up once they do so.

  • Ask about workplace benefits (paid time off, flexible hours/working from home options) and other perks (a monthly lunch date with someone who works in HR). If these things aren’t an option at one place but are at another, this might affect which job offer you take!

  • Ask about your potential manager's style of leadership—do they have strong management skills? Are they good at resolving conflict? Are there issues among team members?

Know how to respond if the interviewer asks why you chose to stay home

This question has the potential to be a sensitive one, so it's important to have an answer prepared ahead of time. If you're a stay-at-home mom, you should explain that your children are very young and that you want to be there for them as they grow up. If you're a stay-at-home dad or parent, focus on how raising the kids allows him or her to spend more time with his or her family. Another option is mentioning how much he enjoys being able to help run errands and keep busy while also spending quality time with his kids while they're home from school (or daycare). This can give him extra experience in managing household tasks and chores around the house that make it easier for him when it comes time for him getting back into the workforce.

It's important not only what words we choose when answering this question but also how we say them! We need to show enthusiasm without coming across too strongly about our desire for work outside of our home responsibilities otherwise employers will think we aren't dedicated enough towards their needs as well as ours own families'.

Tell the interviewer how your experience as a parent makes you a valuable employee

  • Listening is an important skill for any employee, but it's especially critical if you are a stay-at-home mom or dad. Your child will likely be in the room with you when you take your interview, so your interviewer should know that you are an attentive listener who can speak up in a social setting.

  • You're flexible not only because of the parenting responsibilities that come with being at home with your kids, but also because they change daily (and hourly). You've had to adjust to different schedules, take on new tasks as they arise and deal with unexpected events like illness or loss of power. You have probably learned how to juggle multiple projects at once and achieve results no matter what life throws at you.

  • Organizing things is another necessary skill for any job, but it can be especially useful when working from home where there's no boss checking up on whether or not work is getting done! It'll come in handy during meetings too—if someone asks why something was done one way instead of another way during a meeting/presentation/blog post…you'll know why! In addition to this organizational ability comes patience: when organizing things there will always be some elements left over (like getting rid of old toys) which might require some time before being finished up completely--especially if we're talking about toddlers here!

Ask what the employer is looking for

You'd be surprised how many employers are willing to share their beliefs and goals with you. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about the company and make sure it's a good fit for your needs, so don't miss out on this chance!

Here are some questions I recommend you ask:

  • What are the responsibilities of the position?

  • What does success look like in this role?

  • How long have they been working here?

  • What do they like best about working at this company/with this manager/etc.?

  • What's their least favorite thing about working here/etc.?

Talk about your volunteer and unpaid work experience

Volunteer and unpaid work experience can help you demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and abilities. If you have been volunteering or doing unpaid work, make sure to mention it during the interview. For example:"I started working as a volunteer at my local library when our son was born three years ago and now I'm an active member of their board."

Have examples of how you kept your skills up-to-date when you were at home with your children

You should be able to think of at least two or three examples where you kept your skills up-to-date while in the workforce. Here are some ideas:

  • Researching new technologies that could be used in the workplace, and how they can be applied to your current industry.

  • Reading books related to your field of study or interests.

  • Taking classes from local colleges or universities, if available in your area.

Be confident in your abilities and ready to discuss salary requirements

You may not be working in an office, but that doesn't mean you can't be confident in yourself and ready to negotiate. Be prepared to discuss salary requirements when the time comes. Don't feel shy about asking for what you want, and don't be afraid to stand your ground if the employer doesn’t meet your needs. If a job offer is not right for you or not enough money, be willing to walk away without regretting it later on down the road!

Remember that your experience as a parent will help you be a great employee

Many employers are looking for candidates with relevant life experience. If you have children, your experience as a parent will help you be a great employee. In addition to the more obvious benefits of being able to work under pressure and meet deadlines, here are some other ways your experience as a parent will help you in your next job:

  • You’re more patient than most people

  • You are more organized and detail-oriented

  • You possess strong communication skills (you’ve dealt with kids!)

  • As a team player, you understand how important collaboration is when working together on projects or tasks

Remember that your experience as a parent will help you be a great employee. You have years of experience managing others and nurturing their development, which is exactly what employers are looking for! As long as you're well prepared for the interview, confident in yourself and ready to talk about how your skills transfer over from home life into the professional world, then there's no reason to worry. You got this!

If you're searching for a legit work from home job for stay at home moms, check out the latest job listings on Legit Mom Jobs here.


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