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When to Follow Up after a Job Interview

So, you had a job interview and now you're waiting to hear from the employer. You've already sent your thank-you note and are wondering if there's anything else you should be doing to make yourself stand out. If so, you're in luck! Following up after a job interview is an important part of getting hired or at least making sure that your application isn't lost in the piles on the HR manager's desk. The most important thing about following up after an interview is not being too pushy: but don't worry—there are plenty of ways to do this without coming off as desperate or annoying your interviewer(s).

Follow up within 24 hours

The purpose of a follow-up email is to reinforce your interest in the company and demonstrate your enthusiasm for working with them. If you don’t hear back from an employer within 24 hours, send a short but polite email reminder (no more than 2 sentences) saying something along the lines of: “I wanted to check on my application and know how things are progressing. I look forward to hearing from you soon!”

If possible, try calling or stopping by the office instead of sending an email—it can be more effective if the hiring manager is aware that you took extra time out of your day just because they didn’t respond as quickly as expected!

Personalize your follow up

It's important to personalize your follow-up email. You want it to be clear that you're following up on the job interview, so mention something that happened during the interview and make sure to reference what you want for next steps. That could be anything from "I enjoyed our conversation about [topic]" or "I think your company would be a great fit for my skillset."

If there was something specific they mentioned they wanted in a candidate (like an advanced degree), include that information in your email. This way they know you've been paying attention during the interview and have taken note of the things they were looking for.

If there are any documents that came up during your conversation, like portfolios or resumes, include links to those as well! This shows initiative on your end without being pushy or demanding—which can come off as rude when sending a follow-up email after an interview!

Send (at least) one follow up email

As you can see, there is a right way and a wrong way to follow up after an interview. Here are the most important tips:

  • Know when to follow up. It’s always best not to overdo it with too many emails in one week or immediately after your interview. If you don't get an immediate response from your email, wait two weeks before sending another one.

  • Avoid being overly formal or pushy in your wording, especially if it's the first contact you've had since meeting someone at an event (there's no need for a "Dear Mr./Ms."). Also avoid using excessive exclamation points! And finally...what about those two words I mentioned above? Don't go overboard on thanking people…it can come across as desperate or even arrogant if there isn't some balance between gratitude and self-confidence..

Ask for feedback in a polite way

After the interview, it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for feedback. But be polite about it—you don’t want to make it seem like you think that they didn't do a good enough job. Instead, try asking after the interview "Is there anything I can do in the future to improve my interview performance?" or "What could I have done better during our conversation?" If you get no response at all, don't take that personally. It doesn't mean they didn't like your answers or find what you said interesting in any way; remember that many people are uncomfortable giving negative feedback (and most employers will give generic praise if given an option).

Make your follow up as easy as possible for your interviewer to respond to

  • Provide an email address where you can be reached.

  • Provide a phone number if you’re comfortable doing so (but don’t expect a response).

Following up after a job interview is an important step in the job search process

Following up after a job interview is an important step in the job search process. Following up shows that you are serious about the position and helps you stand out from other applicants.

Following up after your interview shows that you are interested in the position, which can help you get hired. It also gives you an opportunity to reiterate how well-suited for the role (and company) you are. By following up, employers will see that they need to bring on someone who is dedicated to working hard at their job and wants to be part of their team as soon as possible - someone like you!

Following up after a job interview is an important step in the job search process. It shows that you’re serious about the position and your professional growth, and it allows you to improve upon any mistakes from your last meeting with the interviewer(s). The key is to be polite, but persistent! Make sure that each follow-up email contains information about why you want this job so much and how it fits into your long-term career goals.

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